Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Easy come, Easy go

Kata orang, sesuatu yang kita dapat dengan cara mudah akan dengan mudahnya jua ia akan pergi.

Sebaliknya kalau sesuatu itu kita dapatkan dengan bersusah payah, kita akan lebih menghargainya dan susah la jua ia akan hilang dari kita.

Tapi ada juga sesuatu perkara itu yang tidak mengikut aturan easy come easy go ni.

Contohnya, JERAWAT. Jerawat ni bukan susah untuk kita dapatkan tapi untuk menghilangkannya, bukan sesuatu yang mudah.

Owh jerawat, mengapa di saat2 begini kau harus hadir di mukaku yang tulus dan mulus ini?

Mungkin kerana demam piala dunia menyebabkan my sleep cycle jadi tidak menentu dan seterusnya menghadirkan sebuah jerawat yang sangat strategik kedudukannya di muka ini. Haish, ingat bila sudah tua2 begini tiada lagi masalah jerawat.

Easy come easy go? i dont think so.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Stage Life

It is been so long i 've been on stage performing (not that i always do a performance dulu2) but last night, i have the chance to perform.. Well, not performing actually, more to singing competition. I entered the competition is not because I want to, tapi my aunt insist me to participate since she needs a duet partner. So, dengan latihan yang ala kadar, praktis nyanyi lagu 2-3 kali, we manage to perform well last night and we actually end up at 1st place.

Last night experience really made me reminisce about my life back in university. Having fun with Senandika, perform on stage, be an MC for any program.. etc. I was never afraid being on stage but now, i dont think i have the courage as i had it before.

Sometimes, its a good thing actually. I took it as a sign that I should move on my life. Having fun and happy with what you are doing is good but having great impact and profitable outcomes to life is better.

Life is not like the stage performance, having the chance to play several rolls and character. Life is more realistic, you can only be no one but yourself and improving yourself will ensure your survival in this real world.

Stage life? Yes and now im on a better one. The real one.

Friday, June 25, 2010

One More Time, One More Chance.

One More Time, One More Chance.

There is certain thing in my life that I wish I never had it. If our life could be repeated, I would undo some mistakes and make things better. Unfortunately, life does not work in that manner. What had been made cannot be undone.

One more time, one more chance.

Would you give it to me?

p/s: Welcome to Ji-Chan blog. if you guys notice, this blog still in progress and need more things to add, such as comment box, blogroll, etc. So, in a meantime, hold your thought and i will create the comment box as soon as possible.