Friday, June 25, 2010

One More Time, One More Chance.

One More Time, One More Chance.

There is certain thing in my life that I wish I never had it. If our life could be repeated, I would undo some mistakes and make things better. Unfortunately, life does not work in that manner. What had been made cannot be undone.

One more time, one more chance.

Would you give it to me?

p/s: Welcome to Ji-Chan blog. if you guys notice, this blog still in progress and need more things to add, such as comment box, blogroll, etc. So, in a meantime, hold your thought and i will create the comment box as soon as possible.


  1. Yuhuuuu..1st of old are u again??hahaha..素晴らしい..u really do amaze me sometimes..n u knw what, ji chan, life is great..whether u like it or not, let's try to embrace each one of it..sadness n happiness..the experiences will lead u to be who u r..n like i used to say, im not really certain with everything, but somehow, i really2 knw that u will be somebody that i can be proud off..btw, mistakes are made so that we can learn from it..

    じいちゃん this is the kanji for Jii-chan..

    p/s one more time, one more chance..don't ask for it, claim it..

  2. haniruz and melody, tq for the comment. hehe.

  3. this time keep this blog alive ok. ;)

  4. skid soil: insyaAllah, sama2 la kita saling mengingati, haha.

  5. Wow, I'm the 1st follower :) Yahuuu!!!!
    Harap² blog ni rajin di update lah!! ;);) Keep on writing k Pak Mat.
